
Approved TC5 events, organized after Kiev GA 2019 or to be held by the end of 2020

Number of events: 16 (approved: 16, rejected: 0, undecided: 0)


IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management

IC PLM 2020 WG5.1, TC5, 06/07-08/07 2020, Rapperswil, CH on-line, Felix Nyffenegger,

Topics of primary interest at PLM 2020 were :

Conception and implementation processes, Infrastructure (SaaS, digital services, cloud-based services), Best practices, Emerging standards, End-to-end PLM and enterprise IT, Semantics and knowledge management, Interoperability and security issues, Collaboration and concurrent engineering, Usability / user-centric approaches for PLM, Metrics and maturity, Education and training approaches, Organizational and cultural change, Building information modelling (BIM), Building lifecycle management (BLM), Asset lifecycle management (ALM), Computer aided x (CAD, CAE, CAM, CAP, CAx), Internet of things (IoT, IIoT), Digital transformation, Digital/smart factory, Digital ecosystems, Cyber physical systems, Product service systems, Model based definition, Model based systems engineering, Engineering design models, Models for manufacturing, Simulation (physics and data driven), Digital twins, Augmented reality / virtual reality, Artificial intelligence.


ETRIA World Conference TRIZ Future 2020

TFC2020 WG5.4 , TC5 14/10-16/10 2020, Cluj-Napoca, RO, Prof. Stelian Brad,

The 20th edition of ETRIA World Conference “TRIZ Future” invites original papers and best practices that combine systematic invention generation, design and creative thinking, digital technologies and open innovation frameworks to solve complex problems in any field of human activity.

The Conference aims at linking industrial companies, research centres, educational organizations and individuals to share their experience on systematic innovation and promote TRIZ-based tools worldwide. It will provide an international forum for exchanging new ideas on knowledge-based innovation, presenting recent achievements in this area and enabling further advances and collaboration also between the academic and industrial communities.

TRIZ Future 2019

TFC2019, WG5.4, TC5, 09/10-11/10 2019
Marrakech, MAR, Rachid Bemoussa
See the ICF2020 description


9th International Precision Assembly Seminar

IPAS 2020 WG 5.5, 13/12-15/12 2020, Kitzbuhel, AT, Nancy Martin,

The 9th edition of the seminar will have a specific focus on informatics, AI and smart technologies for precision assembly. Originally conceived by the micro-assembly community, the seminar has now grown to include a wide scope of assembly processes and applications from micro products to large aerostructures where precision, cost-efficiency and quality are of critical importance.

Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems


WG5.5, TC5, 01/07-03/07 2020, Caparica (Lisbon), PT, Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Pereira,

The Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems is celebrating its 11th edition (DoCEIS 2020) with a focus on Technological Innovation for Life Improvement. 
Nowadays, life improvement has become a trending topic across different areas due to technological advancements that focus on human wellbeing. Different scientific areas, such as electronics, telecommunications, computing and energy, are innovating and changing their paradigm to promote a digital world with tools and concepts such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, and Collaborative Networks, to provide a better and sustainable future with high quality of life.
The impacts of these technological developments enhance health, environment, transportation and communication systems across the globe, through new products and services. Thus, the transition of these concepts to real-world solutions has a huge potential to face existing challenges, and increase knowledge, wellbeing, quality of life and collaboration among companies, organizations, people, and systems.

21st IFIP / Socolnet Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises

PRO-VE 2020

WG 5.5, TC5 23/11-25/11 2020, on-line, Valencia, ES, Luis M. Camarinha-Matos,

Research and development is now beginning to address Collaborative Networks 4.0, for which some of the main distinctive features include hybridization (networks consisting of organizations, people, machines and intelligent systems), collaboration between humans and intelligent autonomous systems, distributed cognitive systems, accountability, ethics and coping with risks and disruptions, handling large amounts of data, monetization of collaboration, creation of a collaboration culture, collaboration creativity, mass collaboration, and new business models focusing on collaborative value creation, among others.PRO-VE 2020 aims at addressing diverse viewpoints on such timely challenges. It will provide a forum for sharing experiences, discussing trends, and identifying opportunities, thus introducing innovative solutions for the new generation of collaborative networks in the era of digital transformation. Contributions are invited from multiple and diverse areas and disciplines, including: computer science, manufacturing, industrial, electrical and computing engineering, social sciences, organization science, and technologies, among others, which are well tuned to both the interdisciplinary nature of the research and development on CN 4.0, as well as the spirit of the PRO-VE Working Conferences.

4th IFAC Workshop on Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technologies

AMEST 2020, WG5.7, TC5, 10/09-11/09 2020, Cambridge, GB Ajith Kumar Parlikad,

We are living in a digital era. It is evident that the practice of maintenance and asset management has the potential to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this digital revolution. Concepts such as Industrial Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems and Digital Twins are now seen as major opportunities for companies in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors to improve their products, processes and services. The linkage between the real world and the virtual world enabled by these emerging technologies - supported by new data analytics and innovative machine learning techniques - allow optimised maintenance of industrial systems.

The 4th IFAC AMEST’20 Workshop will bring together experts from academia and industry to discuss the latest advances in digital technologies and their impact on reliability, maintenance and asset management. The workshop will cover a broad range of research and application topics exploring the role of data-driven maintenance and asset management within the domains of manufacturing and infrastructure.

Advances in Production Management Systems

APMS, WG5.7, TC5, 30/08-02/09 2020, Novi Sad, RS Ugljesa Marjanovic,

APMS 2020 in Novi Sad, Serbia brings together leading international experts from academia, Industry, and government in the area of production systems to discuss globally pressing issues in smart manufacturing, operations management, supply chain management, and Industry 4.0. The conference features several sessions filled with original, high-impact academic contributions, which will be published in the Springer Series ACIT and indexed on SCOPUS and Web of Science. Industrial viewpoints and insights will be shared through industry keynotes by world renown industry leaders. High quality papers will be fast tracked to several peer reviewed archival journals, including Production Planning & Control (PPC) and International Journal of Production Research (IJPR). The conference is supported by the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) and is organized by the IFIP Working Group 5.7 on Advances in Production Management Systems which was established 1978.

14th OTM/IFAC/IFIP International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking

EI2N 2019, WG5.8, 23/10-24/10 2019, Rhodos, GR, Georg Weichhart,

Today’s enterprises have to become S^3 Enterprises: Smart, Sensing and Sustainable Enterprises. These system-of-systems have to adapt in order to be sustainable not only along the environmental but also along economic dimensions. Systems must be able to sense their environment using heterogeneous technologies. The sensed information has to be transferred into knowledge to support smart decisions of systems to adapt. In this context, are enterprise integration, interoperability and networking major disciplines that study how enterprise system-of-systems collaborate, communicate, and coordinate in the most effective way. Enterprise Integration aims at improving synergy within the enterprise so that sustainability is achieved in a more productive and efficient way. Enterprise Interoperability and Networking aims at more adaptability within and across multiple collaborating enterprises. Smartness is required to meet the resulting complexity. Enterprise modelling, architecture, knowledge management and semantic knowledge formalisation methods (like ontologies) are pillars supporting the S^3 Enterprise.

International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications 

I-ESA2020, WG5.8 , TC5 17/11-19/11 2020, Tarbes, FR, Bernard Archimede,

This edition of I-ESA has the subtitle “Interoperability in the era of Artificial Intelligence“. Establishing efficient and relevant collaborations requires management of interoperability in a dynamic, evolving production network: a relevant and efficient collaboration of organizations requires continual adaptation to remain in line with potentially changing objectives, potentially evolving resources, unexpected events, etc. This specific aspect of interoperability will be the keystone of I-ESA 2020.

Furthermore, the topics of I-ESA 2020 are aligned with the vision presented in the framework program Horizon 2020 regarding interoperability: Enterprise interoperability and Innovation, Interoperability strategies for Digital and Sensing Enterprise, System Interoperability in Internet of everything ; Collaborative manufacturing and logistics.

International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems 2020

ISESS 2020, WG 5.11, 05/02-07/02 2020, Wageningen, NL, Ioannis Athanasiadis,

ISESS, the International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, was initiated in 1995 as a forum to present and discuss research fundamentals and state-of-the-art applications in environmental informatics. Over the years, it has also evolved into an important networking event for academics and industry experts, specializing in software engineering, data science and environmental sciences.

The 13th International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems (ISESS’2020) theme is Data Science in Action, and aims to serve as a forum to present primary research in data science research and applications in the in the social, environmental and green life sciences.


International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture ICIA

WG5.14, 18/10-21/10 2019, Beijing, CN, Daoliang Li,

The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has profoundly affected and promoted the production, operation, management and service of agriculture. Agricultural information technology has become an important means for the development of modern agriculture.

Since 2015, agricultural Internet of Things, agricultural big data, agricultural robots, precision agriculture and other technologies have entered the stage of in-depth application. Artificial intelligence has gradually penetrated into the agricultural field, promoting agriculture to "information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise investment, and personalized services. The development of intelligent agriculture characterized by " In order to exchange and share the latest research progress and application practices of intelligent agricultural information technology, since 2017, the International Conference on Intelligent Agricultural Information Technology (ISIITA) and the International Conference on Computer and Computing Technology in Agriculture (CCTA) have been merged into The "ICIA International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture" is held every two years (odd years), and the organizer and venue of the conference will also be held in rotation around the world according to the application.

5th IFIP Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction

ITDRR-2020, WG 5.15, TC5, 03/12-04/12 2020 Sofia, BG; Dimiter G. Velev,

The effects of disasters are very serious and the destruction caused may take a very long time to recover. Related damage is severe and it may cause relief expenses of billions of euros. With the increase of natural disasters that have occurred in the past years, it is expected their frequency will continue to increase in the coming years. Due to disaster risk reductions multidisciplinary nature, people from various backgrounds, such as industry, diverse geographical and global settings, not-for-profit organization backgrounds, agriculture, marine life, welfare, risk management, safety engineering and social networking services will be included. At present, at global and national levels, a wide range of multiple scientific and scientific-applied research activity in the area of disaster risk reduction concerning individual types of disasters is conducted. Modern information and communication technologies can facilitate significantly the decision-making processes from the point of view of disaster risk reduction. ITDRR-2020 provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present their latest R&D findings and innovations. The conference is especially focused on the various IT aspects and challenges of copying with disaster risk reduction. ITDDR-2020 invites experts, researchers, academicians and all other who are interested to disseminate their work. The conference establishes an academic environment that fosters the dialogue and exchange of ideas between different levels of academic, research, business and public communities.

4th IFIP Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction 

ITDRR-2019 WG 5.15 (at the moment of the conference IFIP Domain Committee on IT in Disaster Risk Reduction), TC5, 09/10-10/10 2019, Kyiv, UA, Dimiter G. Velev,

See the ITDRR 2020 description


International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education


WG 5.15, (at the moment of the conference IFIP Domain Committee on IT in Disaster Risk Reduction) TC5, 24/10-26/10 2019, Sofia, BG, Dimiter G. Velev,

The conference aims were conducting analysis of the current problems and presenting results of the ICT application in different areas of economy, education and related areas of scientific knowledge; outlining the existing possibilities for the application of modern ICT tools, methods, methodologies and information systems in economy and education; discussing advanced and emerging research trends with a long-term importance in the field of ICT application in economy and education.

10th Anniversary International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education

ICAICTSEE-2020, WG 5.15, 27-28.11.2020, Dimiter Velev,

See ICAICTSEE 2019 note
